
Health Talks: Understanding bladder cancer detection and treatment

Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and mainly affects people over age 70. In this Health Talks video, bladder cancer expert Deb Sundi, MD, discusses symptoms, which includes blood in the urine, and why it's important to be evaluated by a urologist if you have concerns. Learn how bladder cancer is detected and treated and get valuable information about treatment resistance, survival rates, BCG immunotherapy and the latest on research and clinical trials.

Watch the video for more details about bladder cancer symptoms and evaluation, why early detection is important to avoid spread, why bladder cancer can be resistant to some treatments and why you should choose The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute for bladder cancer care and treatment.

Watch the full Health Talks video above to learn more.

Accurate, early cancer diagnosis matters

The James Cancer Diagnostic Center gives patients direct, expedited access to diagnostic testing and consultation with Ohio State cancer experts.

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