What to keep in your medicine cabinet: Pharmacist recommendations

Woman looking at the contents of her medicine cabinet

You may know the items needed for a first aid kit, but what about the items that make for a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home? The Division of Pharmacy Practice and Science at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy has some suggestions beyond the typical pain relievers, Band-Aids and Neosporin.

Read below for some items that can round out your medicine cabinet to help you stay healthy and keep you safe.

For taking medications

  • Pill box
  • Pill splitter
  • Scale
  • Medication measurement and dispensing tools for liquid dosing and children
  • Sharps container

For safety and emergencies

  • Aspirin
  • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
  • Poison control number stickers
  • Naloxone
  • Fentanyl test strips
  • Deterra drug deactivation bags
  • Lock box or tamper resistant bag for edible cannabis
  • Alcohol drink cover

Extra wellness items to keep on hand

  • Blood pressure machine
  • Healthy cookbook
  • Resistance bands for exercise
  • Comfortable and supportive walking shoes

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