Does ashwagandha reduce anxiety?

A young woman relaxing in a swimming pool

Ashwagandha, an herb used in traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years, has drawn a lot of attention recently on TikTok, where some promote it as being a buffer against stress.

But is it really?

Many of my patients say it makes them feel calmer and they’re able to sleep better.

Ashwagandha has been shown in studies to improve sleep, lessen anxiety and lower levels of cortisol, the hormone that responds to stress. You might benefit from taking ashwagandha if you’re living with mild daily stress, mild difficulty sleeping and perimenopausal symptoms.

What are the benefits of taking ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha comes from an evergreen shrub native to Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

It can help:

  • Balance out your body’s response to stress
  • Improve sleep
  • Reduce chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation may happen when your immune system stays triggered long after a threat is gone. This can cause damage to your cells and systems over time. Chronic inflammation can contribute to the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. 

Ashwagandha side effects

Typically, people don’t experience side effects with ashwagandha. But side effects are possible, and they commonly include nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

Who should not take ashwagandha:

If you’re considering taking ashwagandha, first consult with your health care provider, to talk about whether it might help, and if it might interact poorly with other medications you’re on.

How long does it take for ashwagandha to work?

That varies from person to person, just as it does when people try a new medication.

I recommend taking ashwagandha for at least three months to see if you notice a difference. Typically, in four to 12 weeks, you’ll notice feeling calmer and probably sleeping better.

The safety of taking ashwagandha beyond a year has not been studied, so it’s best to take breaks from the supplement. I usually recommend that people take it for six months, then follow up with their health care provider. If you decide to continue to take ashwagandha again after every six months to a year, take a break for one to four weeks before starting up on the herb again.

How much ashwagandha should I take?

Doses of the supplement range from 500 mg to 2,000 mg a day. It’s always best to start at a small dose, then if you have no side effects, you can move up, if necessary.

Ashwagandha comes in many forms — powders, pills, liquid and gummies — and it’s important to make sure the ashwagandha you buy has a label showing that it’s been tested by a third party, such as United States Pharmacopeia (USP).

Although all of the ashwagandha plant is edible, the plant’s root is what’s usually used in supplements. The leaf of the plant may be helpful. It’s just unclear how much medicinal value it offers.

Unlike medication, herbs aren’t required to go through the same process of testing and approval before they’re sold. So third-party testing is important, and various organizations including USP and do third-party testing, randomly testing the supplement to see if it contains what the product label claims.

Is ashwagandha safe for your liver and kidneys?

If you take the appropriate amount your health care provider recommends and you don’t have any pre-existing conditions, ashwangandha will most likely be safe for your liver and kidneys.

When taking ashwagandha, your health care provider can have you take blood tests to make sure liver and kidneys work well.

Does ashwagandha make you emotionally numb?

Everyone reacts differently to herbs as well as medications. Some people are very sensitive to them. So, it’s possible that someone taking ashwagandha can feel numb to their emotions, but it’s not a common side effect.

Ashwagandha is not for everyone. Some people may need medication instead of ashwagandha or another supplement to help them deal with their anxiety and sleep problems.

For others, it just might be the right next step to bringing more calm into their days and nights.

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